Note: BYBA travel players (Grades 6-8) are required to participate in middle school basketball.
Note: BYBA travel players (Grades 3-5) are required to participate in Community Education basketball.
Click on the link to register for the 2024-2025 Travel Season. You must participate in Community Ed Basketball (Grades 3-5) or Middle School Basketball (Grades 6-8) to be eligible for Travel Basketball.
Click on the link below to register.
3rd Grade – $250
4th Grade – $250
5th Grade – $275
6th Grade – $ 325
7th Grade – $ 325
8th Grade – $ 325
BYBA will provide Team Jersey and Shorts which must be returned at season end. The Association furnishes uniforms for games, basketballs, and other equipment. Parents must furnish all transportation, motel rooms, and cover other expense for out of town tournaments. Players and parents should make a serious commitment to the Travel program and their teams to get the most out of this program.
The Bemidji Youth Basketball traveling teams are an opportunity for more advanced players in grades 3-8 to travel to tournaments for an increased level of competition. Practices still emphasize fundamentals but also more advanced skills and concepts to develop the player and team to be prepared for a higher level of competition.
Players/parents will need to complete a BYBA Traveling Team registration form if they want to be considered for selection on a BYBA traveling team. Consideration will only be given to players participating in the Community Education program for grades 3-5 or in Middle School basketball for grades 6 -8.
Traveling A teams at each grade level will not exceed a maximum of 10 players. Traveling B teams will be considered for 3rd-6th grades if the number of registrants permits and there is an available coach. The 6th, 7th and 8th grade teams will be split into A (no more than 10 players) and B (no more than 12 players) teams based on evaluations at the fall tryout. The number of players on each team will be determined by the coaches based on the number of registrants and approved by the Competition Committee or board. If a coach can’t be obtained for a certain grade level/gender group there will be no traveling team.
If you are interested in coaching a travel team, please click on the travel Head Coach link and fill out the application.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in being a head coach for travel basketball.
Below are links to some of the tournament pages that our teams have attended. Tournament information and brackets may be available on these pages.
Many tourney brackets will be listed on Tourney Machine.
Grades 3-5 traveling teams will practice starting in January. Teams will practice 2 days per week for up to 2 hours per practice. Optional additional practice times may be made available and will be communicated by the head coach.
Grades 6-8 traveling teams will slightly overlap with middle school basketball. More information will come out soon.
3rd and 4th Grade - Equal playing time
5th and 6th Grade - 1/2 playing time per tourney
7th and 8th Grade - 1/3 playing time per tourney
Due to game flow players may experience more time in some games and less in others. Player absence, injury or illness can also reduce playing time or as a result of infractions of player expectations.
The Coach may request parents to help out with things such as keeping books during the game or videotaping games. Parents will also be requested to volunteer for concessions or admissions table in the Bemidji Pride of the North Tournament. Many programs require up to a $100.00 refundable volunteer fee. Please be willing to volunteer so we do not have to begin implementing such fees.